Thursday, July 15, 2010

Safari-ed Out

Tuesday we drove to Addo National Park, known for its elephants. We aimed to see 10% of their elephant population, but probably saw closer to 35% (out of 350-400 elephants). We also saw 3 lions, black-backed jackels, many kudu, warthogs, and... more elephants. We also did a night safari for the first time, catching spring hares, porcupines, and a cape buffalo, which we didn't take any pictures of.

Elephant camouflage?

Cape buffalo, one of the Big 5, chillin'
Tiff with the telephoto watching a herd.

There was one point in the park where we saw maybe 50 elephants at once all around us. They're sadly contained within the park through fences. We were warned before entering the park to not bring in any citrus fruits because it's like candy for the 'phants. Back in the 70's, our guide told us that to keep the elephants here, they would truck in oranges, and the elephants would run after the truck, taking oranges from the back. I wouldn't want to be that truck driver! They stopped feeding them these fruits because it would make the elephants fight over the oranges, disrupting their natural friendly behavior towards one another.

Three lionesses sleeping in the sun. We were told that there were only 6 lions in the park total
Dung beetle!

We were also told that dung beetles have right of way in Addo, as they have now become very rare in the wild. Apparently they mate on elephant poo, so we gladly swerved to avoid that as well.

Next stop, the Sunshine Coast!

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